Monday, December 17, 2007

Blogging As Art

As this week’s feature clearly demonstrates, whether it comes to fashion or fashioning blogs, Ampolo is cutting edge. You can visit Keiler’s blog directly by going to:

As if further proof is needed is needed that Ampolo is au courant, we refer you to snippets from two recent articles in the New York Times and Chicago Tribune respectively.

Taxi TV, Brisk as the Traffic You’re Stuck In
By Alessandra Stanley
Where once there was only peeling vinyl, printed fare rates and the cabdriver’s ceaseless cellphone chatter, there is now a television screen.

Report: Ohio Needs New Voting Machines
By Julie Carr Smyth
Columbus, Ohio
The state’s top elections official recommended Friday that Ohio counties replace their touch-screen voting machines because the devices — in use for roughly two years — are vulnerable to manipulation.

Loyal Ampolo viewers will see the connection to two of our earlier episodes. In July, we suggested television sets be provided, not in taxis, but in subway/elevated cars. And last month, voting integrity expert Joan Brunwasser told you about the problem with the current generation of voting machines.

Finally, we have been soliciting ideas from you on particular subjects via email. Soon you’ll see episodes featuring your responses. In the meantime, here is viewer Tom’s response to our request for interesting websites. We checked it out and suggest you do, too:
“A great vocabulary game, and a socially responsible one you can do every day! Go to and increase your knowledge and be a good person to boot!”

Monday, December 3, 2007

Reverse Verse

We hope this week's Ampolo idea for a children's book about things in the world that are backwards or in reverse inspires families and teachers to come up with their own investigation, or even a book. Later today or tomorrow, we'll share our book. In the meantime, feel free to post any backwards things that come to mind. And if you write a book, send it to us. We'll post it.