Monday, July 30, 2007


This week's must-see video on our companion site, is a movie pitch. If you know any producers hungry (or thirsty) for the next Jaws or Snakes on a Plane, let us know. The video begs several questions:

1) If you were a Hollywood mucky muck, would you see this as a straight horror movie or more as a campy parody?
2) Title preference: Starbugs or Bugs in Coffee?
3) Who do you see as leading man, leading lady? Must be chemistry.
4) Ingmar Bergman died over ther weekend. Do you think he's already rolling over in his grave? How would he have approached this film?
5) If you ran a coffee shop, could you turn misfortune into fortune by coming up with a creative name for a cup of joe with a bug in it? What would you call it?
Comments, please.

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